Fixed mindset versus growth mindset


Book reference - worksheet 5.1

Above image (low res for quick load up speed) - created by Andrew Jenkins

Becoming a high-performance team requires individuals to develop themselves. 
When you grow as an individual, you display openness, are seen as guided by virtues and appear to be focused on a positive mindset. In teams, it is shown by a belief in others and giving them a chance because you care about their success. As a result, people who feel supported within teams are motivated to do their very best work, which will contribute to high performance.

Developing personally also means raising your standards by operating with honesty and humility. That requires an inner change in individuals, which takes a bit of effort. This is a personal journey as much as a team one. It’s about shedding poor behaviours and habits (vices) that inhibit personal growth.

It’s less about what you do, but all about maturing your character so that you become who you truly are and are meant to be. 

Put simply, personal development is about going from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset – or moving from your vices to virtues.

See downloads below to access worksheets.

The resources below are free for you to download and use for your team development event. All I ask is that you attribute it the source appropriately, please as well as the supporting text and references from my book. It is important that you honour this, please.

Download - Fixed mindset versus growth mindset - images for printing

Download - Fixed mindset versus growth mindset - worksheet 5.1

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