Styles of consciousness


Book reference - worksheet 5.2

Above image (low res for quick load up speed) - influenced from on Spiral Dynamics (Don Beck, Cristopher Cowan, and other authors work such as Richard Barrett, Clare Grave, Frederic Laloux and Ken Wilber)

The exercise has been inspired and adapted for teams in the workplace from a concept called ‘spiral dynamics’ which I call and styles of consciousness’. In simple terms, it describes how humans and groups (including teams and organisations) eventually form a definable culture.

Furthermore, each group culture can be generalised into one of six recognisable styles of group consciousness. Each style is sequential, from one to six. So, over time, each can evolve to the next level in the sequence. Styles of consciousness also apply to us as individuals too.

The first four of these exist as current worldviews in our post-modern society and the final two are still emerging. Styles one to three have some attributes of basic values and fixed mindset, whilst the last three styles are more advanced forms of emerging consciousness and growth mindsets

This approach helps anyone or team to better understand group culture and to learn more about themselves, their own team and organisational culture. This type of personal and team growth is an important aspect in developing high performance teams.

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